Wednesday, September 26, 2007

When love doesn't look like love.

It's the strangest irony I have ever seen.

We've just decided to break up because we love each other too much to stay together.
Will that ever make any sense?

Well, yes, it makes perfect sense to me.
Ask 2 people who've learned to love each other. They think less about their own benefits, and more about what's good for the other person. Basically, fewer thoughts about me = more about him.

I never thought I'd be strong enough to let go of someone I liked this much. But apparently, there was enough love between us to let go.

It's awesome, hello singleness again =)

And thank You God, that he loves You enough to let me go.

1 comment:

elsong said...

well! what an interesting one. but definitely one that will take you to even greater heights with Him i hope!